Books & Journals

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CLAW™ Clothing is invested in your development as an individual & leader in your community. We don’t just make clothes. We inspire movement.

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“Writing is another powerful way to sharpen the ‘mental saw’. Keeping a journal of our thoughts, experiences, insights, and learnings promotes mental clarity, exactness, and context.” ~ Stephen Covey

Those who seek to grow write things down. That is what I was taught during a brief encounter with the father of a close friend. Those words never left me, and they are a cornerstone for my teaching to this day. 

The Coach Lain Outperforming Fear™ Tumble Journal is an opportunity for you to learn and grow as a high-performing athlete. Challenge your discomfort daily with this awesome resource! 


The Coach Lain Back Handspring Repair Kit™ is your go-to resource as a coach, parent, or athlete in diagnosing exactly what is going on with your skill, giving you direct solutions for how to correct your technique!

Utilizing empirical, first-hand studies of the most common issues with athletes’ skills, Coach Lain applies his best methodologies and techniques to help you correct your worst habits! Gain strength, understanding, and confidence to outperform your greatest fears, and not only get the skills you’ve ALWAYS wanted but learn how to KEEP them!

Available in both Softcover and Digital PDF Formats.

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